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GPLA history and its meaning

QuestionsCategory: Group Health InsuranceGPLA history and its meaning
default avatarPlan Cover Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers

Best Answer

default avatarSrinivasan Mahadevan answered 3 years ago
GPLA – G- Gravida P- Preterm L-Living Child A-Abortion; Gravida means no. of times conceived so far; Preterm means how many of earlier children were premature; L- means No. of living children; A-abortion history; Some policies mention 2 children and does not specifically mention 2 living Children. Therefore GPLA history is required by Insurers. Thus to prevent fraudulent claims of covering and to decide payability of Claims, Insurers often insist upon GPLA history of the patient as recorded by the Doctor. Thus if there is a maternity Claim for Reimbursement or Cashless and there is a query from the Insurer about the GPLA and if only 2 living children are covered in the Policy, then the treating Doctor has to provide the GPLA status of the patient. Further, there could be a condition of only 2 maternity attempts – In such cases the Doctor needs to confirm the GPLA status to the Insurer.