Group health insurance policies are not just for the large companies in the business. Small to medium-sized companies can also get access to the many advantages of insurance policies. Startups can also avail of the benefits and help provide the employees with steady medical expense support for their well-being. There are multiple insurance policies that offer similar benefits under their group insuranceGroup Insurance refers to any insurance plan under which a group of employees (and their dependents), or members of a plans.
Startups and group health insurance policies
Startups can opt for the employee group health insurance policies because of the diverse coverage offerings. The coverage features vary depending on the selected policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy and associated insurance company, but as a whole, it is a great option. Knowing about the different coverage and non-coverage areas will help gain a clear picture before opting for any employee group health policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy.
- Covers medical expenses for existing diseases
With a group health insurance policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy, the employees can get the expenses to treat any pre-existing disease. Most of the leading insurance companies offer medical expense coverage for any prolonged illness. It also includes diagnostic tests, treatment expenses, doctor fees, and other surgery costs. It truly helps the employees of the startup by offering them undeniable insurance support.
- Covers maternity expenses
Maternity medical expenses fall under the policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy coverage areas in most group health insurance for startup companies. The female employees or the spouse of the male employee can avail of this benefit. The maternity coverage for normal deliveries and C-sections may vary depending on the regulations of the insurance policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy. With most of the leading insurance providers, there is also coverage for the newborn for ninety days.
- Covers accidental hospitalization
A group health insurance also covers the expenses for hospitalization due to an accidentAny Unforeseen and unanticipated event is considered an accident.. It is a part of the policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy norms in almost every insurance company. This insurance coverage aspect helps the employees to stay worry-free even during medical emergencies caused due to accidents. They can either get a cashless service at the selected hospital or reimbursement of the total expense of treatment.
- Covers medical expenses for the family and dependents
The group health insurance is useful for the employees of the associated startup and their families. The employee’s family members and dependents can also avail of the insurance advantages on getting hospitalized for a valid reason. However, the regulations related to this point may vary depending on the selected insurance provider.
- Get cashless service in hospitals
Cashless coverage for hospitalization and medical treatment falls under the coverage sphere in group health insurance. Under this benefit, the employee or dependent family member can produce the insurance card and get admitted to the hospital under acceptable policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy terms. The reason for hospitalization has to be a valid one, and the hospital must fall under the list of the cashless facilitated centers of the opted insurance policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy.
- Covers the charges for medical accessories and ambulance
While treating a disease or getting surgery, there are several other expenses apart from the bed charge and doctor fees. The expenses may include accessoryAn addition to a motor vehicle that does not change its performance or structure. costs for ambulance charges, nursing charges, and much more. Group health insurance covers it all for the employee and their family member, subject to the terms and conditions purchased by the startup in their purchase of a group policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy.
Areas that do not fall under insurance coverage
Until now, all the discussed points fall under the coverage sphere of the leading group health insurance providers for startups. But you must also know about the non-coverage aspects for gaining a clear idea of the associated policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy regulations.
Coverage rules vary depending on the selected insurance company
Under the IRDAI authority, group health policies of different insurance companies have diverse policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy rules that affect the coverage and non-coverage domains. You can get a complete list of expenses that are not payable, which are non-medical in nature. These are standardized across all insurance policies in India. **
- No coverage for Treatment of Obesity and any weight control program
The policies do not cover any treatment expense for obesity control or weight control program. Even if the treatment is prescribed by a registered physician, it does not qualify for plan coverage.
- No coverage for medical treatment under homeopathy or Ayurveda
The insurance policies do not support the expenses of medical treatment that fall under different wings of medical practice other than allopathy. The majority of the insurance companies only offer cashless or reimbursement of expenses if you undergo treatment at a hospital that practices modern medicine. There are no insurance coverage provisions with alternative healing treatments like homeopathy, acupuncture, Ayurveda, etc.
Of late due to the advancement in medical field including Ayurveda and homeopathy, some insurance plans provide coverage for treatment taken in government registered hospitals for ayurvedic and homeopathic treatments.
- No coverage for unproven treatment and diagnosis procedure
Any expenses incurred towards experimental, investigational or unproven treatment primarily for diagnostic, X-ray or laboratory examinations or other diagnostic studies which are not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of the positive existence of an ailment or presence of any Illness.
- No coverage for ailments created due to drug abuse
There are no insurance benefits for treatment to combat excessive drug abuse or drug consumption-related ailments. You can only get the expense reimbursed or avail of cashless service with treatment that generates due to physical disorders and accidents. In many insurance policies, there is no financial support for psychiatric diseases.
- No coverage of medical expenses for extended family
In most of the leading group health insurance policies for startups, only the direct dependents of the employee fall under the list of beneficiaries. There is no policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy support for extended family members like in-laws and relatives. An employee may get coverage for their spouse, children, and parents.
- No coverage for regular checkup expenses
If the employee gets admitted for a regular health checkup without a valid prescription from a physician, the insurance policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy will not cover the expense. For availing of the benefits of reimbursement or cashless treatment, there must be a valid physical illness or disease that needs immediate medical attention.
- No coverage for vaccination and preventive care
There is no coverage for preventive care, vaccination including inoculation and immunizations (except in case of post-bite treatment) unless certified as essential by the attending Medical Practitioner as part of the ongoing treatment as a direct consequence of an otherwise covered claim.
- No coverage for additional medication expenses and services
The insurance plan does not offer coverage for hospital charges for admission, discharge, administration, registration, documentation and filing. Even charges for access to telephone and telephone calls internet, foods (except the one served for the patient that is included in the overall charges), cosmetics, hygiene articles, body care products vitamins and tonics unless vitamins and tonics required by the attending Medical Practitioner as a direct consequence of an otherwise covered claim. These are standard non-payable items under your health insurance plans.
Get a ready service from the professionals
PlanCover a top-rated insurance broker, has been offering diverse range of options to provide group health insurance for startups and small to midsize companies. You have the choice of the insurer with PlanCover providing you access to the health insurance marketplace. Get several policyThe legal document issued to the policyholder that outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the ‘policy benefits that will help your employees lead a stress-free life and grow loyal to your startup company. Connect to the ever-responsive team of PlanCover, and they will help you out with all the doubts you have in mind regarding the coverage and non-coverage aspects of the leading insurance policies.